Sunday, August 8, 2010

Catching up on life

So it has been awhile since I have posted here but so much has changed!
I am now a proud engaged female! I could not be happier to be marrying the best man that has ever come into my life. Photography has been kind of slow since life seems to be interfering. I did sell a few more prints of Hope and Love. Hope and Love is dedicated to my mother who passed away from Breast Cancer in April 2009. My mothers favorite color was pink, and no matter how down she could get, if she saw pink she would just beam a smile of sunshine which is how the yellow ties in so well. Many breast cancer patients and survivors weave a family and friendships through their emotions, battles, tears and smiles. As we all know, yellow is a sign of friendship and pink is the color that represents breast cancer. I hope this photo touches at least one person, as much as it has touched me and reminds me of the happy days of my mother and the outstanding courage she possessed during her year of battle.

This weekend one of my bridesmaids got married after a long year and a half engagement. I could not be happier for the beautiful couple. They are very happy and seems so meant for each other. They had beautiful blue skies, green grass, breezy weather and most importantly, true love and admiration for each other.
May love and happiness always be with them for as long as they both shall live.
Happy Summer my friends!

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